Editorial by Philippe Brel
Chairman of the Executive Board

E-letter n°54
What a great edition of the Paris Air Show, where we were finally able to see each other again! The show was intensive and dynamic with great meetings and exchanges with our customers and suppliers. Certainly the constraints imposed on us by the war in Ukraine have not disappeared and will unfortunately last, however we are in action and agility, this show has been proof of this with the actions of GIFAS on recruitment.
You will find in this edition an article on our participation in the Paris Air Show 2023, as well as the links to watch a video on NSE's know-how in Aeronautics and another video developed with the Aerospace Cluster Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes on aeronautical professions.
We have taken advantage of this year to continue to develop our CSR approach and assess our carbon footprint on scopes 1, 2 and 3. We are pleased to publish our second extra-financial report this July. Cécilia de Carvalho, our CSR Manager, offers you a summary of our approach.
On the same theme of CSR, NSE creates partnerships with the schools in our territories: you will find in this edition an article by Jeremy Lopes, Design and Innovation Manager, on the project of a generic test bench developed in collaboration with students of the ESISAR school.
Our development continues in Canada at NSE Automatech with the modernization of our machine park. You will discover an article by Romain Dusan, CEO NSE Automatech, describing these new investments to improve our customer service.
We would like to thank all of our customers, partners and suppliers who place their trust in us and allow us to pursue the industrial development of NSE in our preferred sectors: Aeronautics, Defence, Transport, Industry and Electronics.
Wishing you a good reading and a good summer,
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Philippe Brel
Chairman of the Executive Board